About us
In 1939, when Germany occupied Klaipėda, some doctors such as surgeon E. Plechavičius, otolaryngologist O. Purtokaitė and ophthalmologist A. Kazlauskas came to Telšiai. In 1939 a part of a new hospital was built and completely finished in 1943 with 140 beds in it.
The fame about hospital of Telšiai was spread by surgeons K. Jankauskas and St. Vitkus. The specialist of traumatology V. Purlys was the first in Lithuania who performed the replacement of artificial hip joint.
At present the staff consists of 508 employees, including 84 doctors and 185 nursing specialists. Regional hospital of Telšiai is licensed, non-profitable institution of national health care which provides the second level services for residents of Telšiai district and county. At the hospital of 173 beds we offer accident and emergency services, neurology services, surgery services, traumatology services, maternity services, children’s diseases treatment services, pediatric care services, resuscitation services, rehabilitation and internal medicine services. At present we offer 35 nursing beds.
The hospital corresponds to the standards of health reform and the standards of the European Union countries.
5398 people were admitted to Regional hospital of Telšiai for the inpatient care in 2022. In the division of traumatology knee and hip replacements are performed. It is the continuation of the tradition from doctor V. Purlys’s times. Patients feel safe in new and modern operating-theatres, resuscitation rooms and in renovated division of traumatology. There are all the conditions to provide rehabilitation services in newly equipped basin, vertical bath and cozy wards with modern equipment for physiotherapy services. The establishment of emergency, trauma center, day surgery, outpatient rehabilitation and nursing divisions was financed by European Union funds.
The hospital provides the services of consulting policlinics which offers the second level consultations. In the year of 2022 doctors provided 105072 consultations and 130000 patients visited the specialists.
The staff of the hospital wishes kind cooperation and great health in the future.
Last updated: 25-09-2023